A Hercules’ labour - Геркулесов труд

A Hercules’ labour is a very great task. Hercules is the latinized name of the most famous Greek legendary hero, Heraeles, distinguished for his prodigious physical strength. According to the Greek myth, Heracles was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, which fact excited the jealousy and hatred of the great goddess Hera, wife of the mighty Zeus. Even before Heracles was born, Hera planned and plotted to bring some harm upon him. She placed the brave hero into the power of Eurystheus, a sickly and cowardly king, whose orders the former had to take. Throughout his life Heracles suffered the vengeful persecution of Hera; indeed, his first exploit was the strangling of two enormous serpents which she sent to kill him in his cradle.
Heracles spent his early youth in developing his strength. He began his saga of deeds by killing the lion that was rav ag in g the herds of his m other’s husband. Then he waged a victorious war against a king of Beotia, and married a royal princess. But he killed his own children in a fit of madness sent by Hera; as a punishment for this crime, he was obliged to become the ser* vant of Eurystheus. The latter imposed upon Heracles the famous labours, later arranged in a cycle of twelve, as follows: (I) the slaying of the lion of Nemea, whose skin he therefore wore; (2) the slaying of the nine-headed hydra; (3) the capture of the elusive stag; (4) the capture of the wild boar; (5) the cleansing of the s tables of King Augeas; (G) the shooting of the monstrous man-eating birds, (7) the capture of the mad bull that terrorized the island of Crete; (8) the capture of the man-eating mares; (9) the taking of the girdle of the queen of the Amazons; (10) the seizing of the cattle of the three-bodied giant; (11) the fetching up from the lower world of the triple-headed dog, guardian of its gates; (12) the bringing back of the golden apples kept at the world’s end by the Hesperides.
The favourite hero of the ancient Greeks, Heracles was very popular with poets and sculptors. One of the most famous statues represents the hero exhausted by toil, leaning on his club; and in his left hand he holds one of the apples of the Hesperides.

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1. Геракл (в римской мифологии Геркулес) — один из самых прославленных героев мифологии. 2. Геракл был одарен необыкновенной физической силой. 3. По велению богов он должен был стать на 12 лет слугой царя Эврисфея и совершить по его поручению двенадцать подвигов. 4. Геракл очистил конюшни Авгия, убил девятиглавую гидру, похитил золотые яблоки Гесперид. 5. Имя легендарного греческого героя стало употребляться для обозначения человека, обладающего большой физической силой. 6. Выражение Геркулесов подвиг употребляется, когда говорят о каком-либо деле, требующем необыкновенных усилий.